Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:31 pm
I took your tip on the charter boat and have booked a trip in August on Mark Gannons boat out of Courtmacsherry. We are going on the 27th of August. Am I right in thinking there will be neap tides around that time?
Does this effect the wreck fishing in a good way? I wanted to plan around a neap tide as I think the stronger spring tides can have a bad effect on trying to fish a wreck?
Am I close to the mark?
Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:27 pm
I haven't seen the tables for next year yet and I never loaded software after a change in laptop so I'm not sure what tide they're giving for late Aug. A neap will be around 3.1 - 3.4 the springs will usually be around 3.9 - 4.2. I'm not really sure why the charter skippers don't like the spring tides. I guess it's that the drift can be brisk and if a wind with or against tide situation occurs it makes for tough fishing and anchoring. Certainly Mark is happier fishing a neap. We in small boats don't mind what way the tide is, spring or neap. I would not say that either spring or neap yields better fishing.
You can only hope the weather will be good and ye go the distance.
Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:49 pm
Thanks Jim
I already have my fingers crossed for the weather and its not till 10 mths away!!! If everything works out it looks like it could be quality fishing so heres hoping.
Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:13 am
Just to whet your appetite. A buddy of mine was fishing along with seven others yesterday on one of Mark Gannon's boats , They had a lot of fish, coalies and ling, they eventually went to anchor and had approx 120 congers. My buddie (James Guerin) had the biggest of the day a WHOPPING fish of 62lb. Now thats a specimen! They were out out over 25 miles.
Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:13 pm
Bloody hell Jim, 62lbs!! what a fish. When I was speaking to Mark last week he said he wanted to put in a concerted effort to break the record which I think is 72lb. Surely with that standard of fishing its only a matter of time.
What set up do they use? Is it plain hooks or baited pirks? We fished out of Cobh a few years back and baited home made pirks worked great for the eels and ling.
I still am not sure though if the pirk helps with the catch or if its just a handy tool for the skipper to get the fish into the boat?
Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:36 pm
I'd agree it's only a matter of time.
James used a mackerel baited pirk to catch the fish. I've emailed Kieran a picture so it should be up on the site shortly. A fine looking beast!!!!
Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:11 pm
Hi colm , Checked tide plotter here at work ,looks likes it is neaps your out on hw for baltimore 11.35 3.0m / lw 18.00 1.4m . Hope these are of some help .
Wed Nov 10, 2004 3:06 pm
Cheers, thanks RS
Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:03 pm
Picture of James Guerin's Conger is on page 15 of gallery.
At 62lb it is the third heaviest conger on record.
What a fish!
Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:23 pm
I was just looking at it earlier this afternoon. Its a massive eel, a brilliant catch.
What kind of set ups are they using for the congering, does the depth dictate the set up?
When your anchored up for conger on these wrecks is it still possible to 'gill' for coalfish, pollock etc?
I actually mailed a copy of this fishing report from Mark Gannons site to my brothers to whet their appetites for the coming trip. (even though its eons away..)
Sun Nov 14, 2004 12:55 am
Generally guys are using the standard rig of baited pirk under one or two muppets. Some are using a baited pirk with a flowing ledger off it.(James had his eel on this setup)
Depth won't dictate the setup other than I wouldn't recommend using mono. At 350ft it would offer poor bite detection.
Though all our specimen coalies have been taken on the shad you will see a good few taken on the charters on bait. While there is nothing to stop you shadding while at anchor the fact that the boat isn't moving makes it impracticle.
God you're in for a long wait!!!!!!!
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