Ulster casting club days

Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:02 pm

Today was members 175g day and 4 casters showed up, injuries and romantic weekend keeping others at bay, well it is valentines weekend after all, just us old married guys were allowed to cast. The forecast was for a south east wind of 23mph and rain from 2pm, we got a easterly wind (cross court) and rain at 12.30pm. Given the forecast we set up in the upper field casting from flat ground up the hill, now this field has been covered in silage so was a bit slippy under foot and add in the early rain it became very difficult to cast. We decide to cut short the casting by one round and head for the cars given the conditions a wise choice. Anyway top marks to Stevie on a fine display of casting winning today with a 245y cast, the battle for second was where the action was, as each cast saw Louis and myself change positions. Thanks to all for helping set up take down and move the court.

results for 175g day 16/2/25

Stevie = 245y

MC = 189y

Louis = 187y

Graeme = 181y

Re: Ulster casting club days

Sun Feb 23, 2025 7:26 pm

Sunday the 2nd of March 2025 is a normal field day but this month will see us run the TRC memorial (16th March) so maybe practice all 4 leads and your ground cast. Hope to see you all there and no vehicles allowed in the field

Re: Ulster casting club days

Sun Mar 02, 2025 10:06 pm

Today was a normal field day in which casters can cast any lead they choose, with the TRC event soon some practice their ground cast. We had one daycaster today and a welcome return of Cain who managed a pb today, well done lad. Now for the weather report, it was forecasted to be a south west wind which meant setting up the oche at the top of the hill and aiming the court towards the gate, this meant a slight slope to the oche but we are used to it by now. The wind was mainly south west most of the day but did shift a bit towards the last few rounds, it was a steady 10/11mph with gust of 15 mph so not a bad day and it stayed dry for a change.

Results for 2/2/25

Benny 150g = 208y otg
100g = 205y otg

Rath 175g = 172y
150g = 172y

MC 175g = 186y otg
150g = 231y
125g = 234y
100g = 221y

Stevie 175g = 269y
150g = 263y

Louis 150g = 205y
125g = 210y

Graeme 175g = 211y


Cain 150g = 208y PB

Re: Ulster casting club days

Sun Mar 09, 2025 9:02 pm

This Sunday the 16th March 2025 will us run the TRC memorial. Its our tribute to the late great Terry Carroll of zziplex fame. In the TRC we cast all 4 core leads one of which must be a ground cast, the caster with the best aggregate score wins. There is 4 casts per lead so a total of 16 casts, therefore it will be a long day so please be early. Once again I would like to remind everyone that vehicles are not allowed into the fields, sorry. Hope to see you all there.