Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:53 pm
how do you fish a seaweed fly for you let it sit and watch it or slow strip back?
I was at a beach on Sun and there were hundreds of them ..seemed to be eating that green sea weed?
Or it could have been what was in it............
Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:51 am
I have had good success with this type of fly. Fish it with a coloured braided loop as a strike indicator, or a bit of srike putty if you really want to make it easy!! Also use it with a large cdc dry new zealand style. I normally tie mine on size 14s using hends body stretch in different colours to match the weeds around. Keep it fairly short to avoid a helicopter effect twisting your leader when your false casting.
Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:23 am
dunner wrote:how do you fish a seaweed fly for you let it sit and watch it or slow strip back?
I was at a beach on Sun and there were hundreds of them ..seemed to be eating that green sea weed?
Or it could have been what was in it............
Was just loooking through similar posts on kai there and was wondering the exact same myself dunner,
Im "bilbao" on kai by the way,
Tight lines
Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:58 pm
If only they were easy to catch! there are thousands of em out there and some real clonkers!!!
Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:19 pm
davearmstrong wrote:I have had good success with this type of fly. Fish it with a coloured braided loop as a strike indicator, or a bit of srike putty if you really want to make it easy!! Also use it with a large cdc dry new zealand style. I normally tie mine on size 14s using hends body stretch in different colours to match the weeds around. Keep it fairly short to avoid a helicopter effect twisting your leader when your false casting.
My fly skills are lacking!!!
CDC ??
Stretchy hens??
Internet quest!
Thanks...i will need to continue the research!
Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:26 pm
I have been after the Mullett for a long time,tried every type of fly and even bought the flyfishing
dvd (Flyfishing for Mullett by Brian Kjar) these fish are very hard to catch.I must have
tried 30 or 40 times and no luck. Any tips ??
Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:45 pm
Firstly find the fish. They are very predictable. Will be in the same area at the same stage of the tide day after day. They are easily spooked but quickly get used to you being among them if you dont splash and make noise. When you find them feeding cast the seaweed fly slightly above or below them and let the tide or current bring it to them. Watch your braided loop/stike indicator/ large cdc indicator fly. When they move hold on and pray.....
By the way the stuff i use is body stretch by hends. All different shades of olives, greens and brown sea weed type colours to match whatever they are feeding on. Sometimes with a tiny metal bead to sink it slightly. Got it off irish fly or something like that.
Cdc is just cul de cunard. the oily feathers from a ducks ass.. Floats very well. Have had them take this fly before where they may be used to eating bread. Tied with white cdc and roughed up a bit to look "fluffy" . Best of luck. They are great fish to catch.
Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:44 pm
must try more next many mullet out there...thanks for the tips!
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