Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:23 pm
this is a must if you want to repair a ring on a rod blank or building your own. sets like a rock and is easy to apply. 2 coats should be enough and maybe a third on the whippings on larger rings near the butt. available from veals. gives a professional finish.
after you have whipped the new ring(s) to the rod blank put some pvc tape a turn or two about 3-4mm from where they end. leave a tag on the tape to make it easier to take of. apply the resin. drying time can take a few hours during which you will need to rotate the rod at 90-180 degree angles at a time. this gives you plenty of time to take off any excess resin. when the resin starts to set, remove the tape to give a perfect finish line.
use a narrow, stiff piece of card from a cigarette packet or cornflake box to apply the resin as a brush will leave bristles and also go solid after use.
the resin needs to be mixed in two equal amounts. this is not difficult and best done on a flat surface on a piece of card- this prevents air bubbles forming in the resin that will spiol the finish. if necessary, blow gentle to remove any air bubbles.
the resin is easier to use if heated slightly before use. NB- luke warm only. too warm and the resin will react too quickly and set before you can get the desired result. try 1 part hot water and 2 cold.
this stuff really is the good and beats other kinds of rubbish.