Silly Ray hunt take2

Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:47 pm

With a my day off changed this week, short notice too :evil: . I made some plans to hit a north Coast beach but the southerly winds put an end to that. So I was left with a choice, drink the 3 beer in the fridge and go to bed early or head back to dog city. Well gear was packed and wains in bed I drove to my favourite swilly mark, there was someone there but they looked fecked off and was packing up,they had no joy. Some info about this wee mark I keep quiet about,like where and how far to cast :wink: . Set up cast out, instant bites but missed as setting second rod up. New bait and 10 minutes later a 4lb Ray was landed, this was soon followed by another about the same then a tiny Ray. I rebaitted one rod and as I castt it out the other rod tapped a few times, I just put a rod in the rest when the other rod was pulled out of the rest, I just managed to grab the butt, nice bend and and heavy fish on the end of the line. Thinking it was a big Ray or husband I applied pressure but it just pulled back, then the fight ended, the fish was still there but had given up, a 4.5lb Ray had used the tidal pull to its advantage and gave the impression it was bigger. Then the doggies arrived and after 10 of then I was low on bait so started to pack up, missed a bite on the profile so left it as you never know. Continued to pack up, put rigs away clipped on a plan lead and chucked it out,I do this so I can wind the line back on level for the next time I go fishing. Checked the other rod, still there so cleaned down first rod and put it in the car, lifted the profile out of the rest and wound down and was met with a solid resistance. Lifted into something heavier, it dived to the bottom and scraped the whole way in, a very mean looking thorneback Ray which pulled the scales to just over 7lb. Just goes to show that when packing up or after missing a fish, leave a bait in the water you could get lucky. Another good night at dog city and got my Ray for this year so time to hunt another species, seeing as it's summer I think it's wrasse time so a day session is in order. May also try for a bigger thornie or Huss.

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Re: Silly Ray hunt take2

Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:29 pm

Nice we session there MC.