N.I. Forum Meet 2, Portaferry, Co Down, 04/12/04

Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:47 am

Sorry Ronald, I got here first! :P

R. Surgeoner, Shockleader50, and Myself fished Portaferry from 11pm til 5am, Picked up a mixed bag of Coaly, Pollack, Whiting, Codling and Conger. Fished low tide up with Crab, Sandeel, Squid, Mackeral, and Mussel baits.

Now, On the Subject of R. Surgeoner and Conger, I don't think Ive ever seen one caught so quickly from the Shore (Or Boat!). Bait was in the water a maximum of I'd say 3 minutes before a screaming run and an 11.5lb fish, About 10 Minutes later another fish was writhing on the Surface (Much bigger than the first), But it managed to big through the Trace, Grrrr. Another Strap then feel to Ronalds Beachcaster which was plonked much further out... Must be the aftershave!!!

Pollack and Coalies were jumping again, Can get quite frustrating. We reckoned the Jaminator would have had great fun with his fly rod down there!

Had an absolutely great night, Maybe the next Forum meet we'll all be able to get out.