Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:12 am
I was wondering if there were any marks between Balscadden and the Bailey other than the Split Rock? There is deep water just off this region (14 meters plus according to my navigation chart)
Please send me a pm if you don't want to disclose marks on the forum.
Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:07 pm
I'd always wondered this myself. I've walked the path several times, but there doesn't seem to be any access down the cliffs. I know from checking the net that climbers do abseil down at certain points. But unless you have proper climbing gear I doubt there is any way down. The cliffs are very steep along this stretch so it would be madness to try without professional gear and someone who knows what they are doing.
Any rock climbers amongst us??!!??
Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:24 pm
This is big wrasse territory , get some inspiration from the english cliff top anglers and give it a shot. In terms of getting down to sea level around this area, no chance! Boat fishing around here also gives good pollock.
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