Limerick Angling centre moving

Tue May 23, 2006 9:16 am

Mate was in with Limerick angling centre and their moving to the Newsland opposite the prison on mulgrave street. They'll still be running the newsagent and will run the tackle shop their as well. Its going to be open late in the evenings till 8pm and I think on Sundays which should be handy. Hes good to deal with and does his best to match the prices of the mail order companies if you order a rod off of him. Its also the only shop in Limerick worth asking wheres catching on the sea angling front.


2006 species

Sun May 28, 2006 4:06 pm

Nice one
Where did you catch that then?

Mon May 29, 2006 9:16 am

Don't get to excited that should say salmon par but hey its my species list and needed filling. Caught fishing the cashen estuary for flounder in January was caught to sand eel. I thought it was a sea trout but from looking at cfb species id book I changed my mind.

BTW I think the shops name is actually News Stop.


Mon May 29, 2006 10:13 am

Donagh, from the sounds of it it may have been a slob trout or sea trout - it would be pretty unlikely to catch a salmon parr in estuarine water as they dont move to saltwater until they smoltify... smolts usually move into saltwater around April/May and would be hard to confuse with a trout as they are very silver and have lost the parr markings.
What size was the fish? A parr would be no more than 10-14cm long, would think it would be a bit small to go for a sandeel....
From experience, it can be very difficult to tell salmon/trout juveniles apart, and I've looked at thousands... wouldnt blame anyone for mixing them up! 8)

Mon May 29, 2006 11:23 am

Hi Bradan,

I tried to put the fish back in the water asap so no photo and I didn't examine it to much. It was a small sand eel section in a size 2 hook. Fish was small but I would of thought it was more at the 20cm mark but maybe it was smaller I just can't remember. The reason I put it down as a salmon was the caudal (spelling) fin had a pronounced fork and this was the recognised feature in the cfb id book for pars versus trout.


Species List

Wed May 31, 2006 10:50 am

Whatever the finer points of fish recognition, you did have me overexcited there Donagh.
The tope have now arrived in numbers in the estuary, and if you are still after one from the shore, now is the time

Wed May 31, 2006 11:32 am

Hi Kev,

At least someone got excited by my species list as its not to exotic :lol:

On the tope thing I'm still looking for a mark but there seems to have been plenty that have produced a tope at one time or another but none that have been confirmed to throw up a few every year. I don't think I can really put the time in so I don't rate my chances but I'll leave a wiretraced 6/0 hook out on the off chance. Heard there was a large tope taken from beal late august so theres always then.


Tope time

Wed May 31, 2006 1:12 pm

Hey Donagh
Last season June was the month for numbers with large numbers of mid 20's showing. By august we were only getting solitary fish but 35+ fish, with a much bigger one lost on my anchor rope

What about the point at the top of littor strand. I will depth sound this on saturday and let you know whether you can get a cast from the shore and into what depth

Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:22 am

Hi Kev,

Thanks for the offer. I might try this mark. Its all well a good saying I'll fish for this and that but I just have get up off my arse and do it. :lol:
