Hello everyone and thanks a lot for accepting me in this community
I have recently purchased a 12ft inflatable dinghy with an 86lbs trolling motor and I have been after cod for a little while but I just don't seem able to transition succesfully from shore fishing into boat fishing, so I have a couple of questions if anybody can help me out:
1. I usually fish anchoring the boat at the end of the Passage West canal between the Monkstown marina and the dockyard/shipwright to the East (51.84767106129069, -8.330061697200465). Is that a good place for fishing or it's just me that I'm very bad at fishing
2. I am very lost with lures and lines. I'm currently fishing with german spratt, metal jigs and spinners but I also tried float fishing with earthworm (I still need to try the pulley and paternoster rigs). Nothing seems to work. Any recommendation?
3. For the local boaters. My trolling motor is not very powerful, it can reach a maximum of 6kph (but with the batteries on it could go on for like 4 hours) and I get really scared to go further down, around buoy number 17. Do you think I'm being too cautious? Apparently it's a good fishing spot for bass.
Thanks a million and good luck to everyone in their fishing trips!