sore thumb on multiplier reel

Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:52 pm

How do i stop getting a sore thumb when casting using my multiplier. got cut of leader knot and it was a small knot.

Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:28 am

When you wind in make sure the leader knot is well over to the left side of the spool, it will never give you any trouble again.


Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:22 am

try a section of a rubber over your thumb - something like a kitchen glove finger cut off.

You may be holding the spool for to long during the cast. After the initial release try hovering your thumb just a few mm above the spool - once the leader knot is away you will still have plenty of time to re-establish contact with the spool - hope this helps :D

Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:38 pm

i dont how to describe this...

But you can take a piece of rubber, a long peice and fasten it to your rod so you can fold it over the spool when you are about to cast.

Will do my best to find pictures of this.

And yes ofcourse.. as said before ALLWAYS make sure that you put the knot to either left or right side on the spool.

Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:50 pm

If you use tapered leaders the knot will be small enough not to catch on your thumb.

Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:42 pm

just found a website describing the rubber thing I mentioned...

scroll down a bit...

Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:26 pm

try all the advise given above, you cant really do anything else, apart from go to a fixed spool! :wink: good luck and hope the advise helps you get onto it and less sore thumbs!