Rig making

Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:37 pm

Do you find it a pain making clipped down rigs like bombers etc to get the right distance between the clip and the trapped swivells. I got around this problem by hanging the trace upside down. It may sound mad but if you start with your main swivell which is conneted to your shock leader and add all you components and last off all the lead link. Roughly work our your snood distance and add your hooks. To adjust things correctly before crimping attach a weight to the main swivell (insead of the lead link) and hang the rig from the lead link. You just clip in your hooks then pull the snood swivell to the correct distance(s) crimp and hey presto. It may sound daft but it works a treat and avoids all that messing about with rulers etcc. With practice you will knock plenty of traces up quite quickly. I think I should get paid for this one.

Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:39 pm

That was me by the way.
