Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:07 pm
incase you ever need to use anything to wrap braid around to pull for a break either boat or shore cut 12 inches off a wooden brush shaft and carry it in your box. cheap and cheerful!.....and if your wife is short then the brush might be easier to use as well! :wink: :lol:
Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:23 pm
I just hold the rod in line with the mainline and hold the reel to stop the clutch moving...walk backwards... no need to wrap line around anything. Am I missing something?
Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:40 pm
That (if I understand you) puts the entire pressure you are exerting on the reel... not a good idea.
Furthermore if you are using braid the first few turns on the spool can get embedded by the extra presssure into the line already on the spool and very deeply emebdded, such that once you have the break, when you go to set up again, you find that you can never cast with that line again! You have to cut the whole lot off and re-spool with new braid... not pleasant.
As the lads say, use a brush handle, reducer or priest for a few turns and then walk backwards. If you have to leave the rod down, always leave the spool free / unbraked in case you have to walk a fair distance (often the case with mono, never the case with braid) otherwise you can end up taking your rod for a drag along the rocks/sand! Ideally bring it with you.
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