Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:57 pm
in July went for my unsual banker spot in north Kerry (last 2 years it always produced when everywhere else failed) only to find a big mono net (120metres+) from the shore out, probably intended for salmon and bass. a seal was having field day picking fish out ot the net and munching away. needless to say i blanked and trudged back to car with a heavy heart. Rang a fisheries officer i know well and they got the net the following day, full of holes - reckoned it was salmon poachers. Visited the spot 6 weeks later in pretty good conditions and blanked, gave it one more shot last friday with near perfect conditions and again blanked - threw everything at it, SP's, surface / shallow divers and deep divers - nothing.....disgusted. My question : is this mark now cleaned out ? i thought after a few months it would recover.
Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:03 pm
It could well be, bass unfortunately aren't very common now. Although i heard stories of shoals of 50+ bass hitting various beaches around the peninsula here like inch on night then out the estuary towards inch the next night, then kinard and so on. Didn't see it myself but I was told by a fairly reliable source, but by the sounds of that bass don't always hit the same spot the change it up! So your mark should come back to you but if those pr!cks didn't get done for it they'll probably get another net.
Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:13 pm
Hate to hear that. my knowledge gained from what I read on line is this older bass seem to stay around the same territory while younger bass move around more, so depending on the number of bass taken by the net you might be waiting a while for the younger bass to move back in from other areas.
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