Fri Feb 22, 2008 6:05 pm
thinking of heading over to the IOM for a week at the end of aug.
looks to be working out at about €695 to fly, rent car and get self catering for 7 days OR €715 to get ferry and same accom.
was aiming more towards the ferry due to the fact that i can "forget to take the rods out of the car" :roll: :roll: before we go :lol: :lol:
if i take a flight then it will limit me to light spinning gear only. would like to try for some of the animals (huss and tope) as well as some wrass and pollock
is this price decent?? or is it jacked up cos of the time of year??
Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:34 pm
Looks like you "holiday" may coincide with the Manx Grand Prix. Not such a busy time as TT week but you might find it a bit of an inconvenience, they close the roads for racing and practice. Prices a hiked at this time of year.
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