Not sure about the Hellrazor, bought Akios Endurance pro2 twin tip about a week ago. Cost me 270 eur. Very nice neat rod aesthetically. Please note this is only my second rod, so not much to compare to (Yuki Zyinc-x is the first one). Fished only once so far. Much stiffer than my Yuki, even with light hybrid tip, feels very very strong rod. Hit lots of dogfish and smoothies while aiming for bass, big lumps of weed later with tide coming in, no problem with all that. Haven't even tried the tubular tip. Bite detection is yet to be tested, didn't catch anything small that time, dogfish and smoothhounds always gonna show and it did wery well. So overall first impression somewhere between quite impressed, but was expecting something more bendy if that makes sense

but with conditions we have, possibly all I ever need. No bass that night btw.